About the AVA

CVP model


The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is the national body that represents, develops, informs and supports veterinary professionals and their clinics.

We lead the way when it comes to keeping veterinary professionals up-to-date from a medical perspective and we provide clinics with best in practice information when it comes to making them more cost effective. We help clinics improve efficiency, reduce costs and achieve higher staff retention.     

The AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner™ is an accreditation program offered by the Australian Veterinary Association to signify veterinarians have undertaken further education and training to become a well-rounded general practitioners.  In preparation for AVA CVP accreditation, veterinarians will engage with the AVA CVP Education Pathway and structured continuing professional development training in approved areas of interest to them. 

This accreditation is offered initially for small animal practitioners.