Initial AVA CVP accreditation is for a period of five years from the date of approval by the AVA. An application for renewal of AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner accreditation will be required.
AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner accreditation requires engagement with a program of maintenance of accreditation, including annual reporting to the AVA, in line with C/9.1 AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner Accreditation and Maintenance Policy and Procedure. [URL for link:
AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner accreditation may be revoked by the AVA, in accordance with C/9.2 AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner Accreditation Revocation Procedure. [URL for link:]
AVA CVP is an individual accreditation. Use of the AVA CVP post nominals is reserved for accredited veterinarian personal use, and the AVA CVP accreditation and brand cannot be used for whole of practice promotion.