The AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner governance framework outlines the principle-based systems and processes that influence how the AVA CVP’s objectives are set and achieved, the interest of stakeholders (including students) are met, risks are monitored and addressed, and how performance is optimised.
Additionally, the governance framework promotes clear lines of reporting and accountability within and between the AVA and students, to support appropriate, open and transparent communication and robust well-informed decision making.
AVA CVP Education Committee
The AVA has established the AVA CVP Education Committee to provide oversight of academic governance for ensuring the effective development, implementation and review of academic programs and policies and the maintenance of academic standards within the AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner™.
- Chair - Dr Alistair Webb (Small animal veterinary practitioner)
- Dr Philip Brain (Small animal veterinary specialist)
- Dr Julia Crawford (Small animal veterinary practitioner)
- A/Prof Natalie Courtman (ex officio, AVA CVP Learning & Teaching Committee Chair)
- Dr Graeme Dixon (Veterinary education practitioner)
- Annmaree Jackson (ex officio, AVA CEO nominee)
- Dr Karen Jackson (Small animal veterinary academic)
- Dr Chloe Tromp (Recent graduate – small animal veterinary practitioner)
- Dr Terry King (Small animal veterinary specialist)
- Prof Jill Maddison (Small animal veterinary academic)
AVA CVP Accreditation Committee
The AVA has established the AVA CVP Accreditation Committee to provide oversight of policy relating to AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner Accreditation, including review and approval of CPD requirements for initial accreditation; maintenance of accreditation; and revocation of accreditation.
- Dr Alistair Webb (Chair, AVA CVP Education Committee)
- A/Prof Natalie Courtman (AVA CVP Academic Program Director)
- Annmaree Jackson (AVA CVP Program Manager)
AVA CVP Learning and Teaching Committee
The AVA has established the AVA CVP Learning and Teaching Committee to provide oversight of three broad areas of policy relating to: learning and teaching, courses and curriculum (including issues of quality); and academic entitlements of individual students undertaking the AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner™ in the areas of admission, enrolment, exemption, assessment, discipline, progression and exclusion, review and appeals and program completion.
- Chair – A/Prof Natalie Courtman (AVA CVP Academic Program Director)
- Dr Cheryl Fry (CVP1010 Course Coordinator)
- Dr Karen Jackson (AVA CVP Education Committee Representative)
- Dr Caitlin Mack (CVP1020 Course Coordinator)
- Dr Geeta Saini (ASAV Representative)
- TBC (CVP1030 Course Coordinator)
- TBC (CVP1040 Course Coordinator)
- TBC (AVA CVP Student representative)
AVA CVP Appeals Committee
The AVA has established the AVA CVP Appeals Committee to provide oversight of policy relating to academic appeals and non-academic appeals pertaining to the AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner
- Dr Alistair Webb (Chair, AVA CVP Education Committee)
- A/Prof Natalie Courtman (AVA CVP Academic Program Director)
- Annmaree Jackson (AVA CVP Program Manager)
- Other members may be co-opted as required.