Where will this take me?

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Why seek AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner™ accreditation?


The AVA, through the AVA Chartered Veterinary Practitioner™ aims to assist veterinarians become highly skilled well-rounded professionals, increase veterinary wellbeing and career satisfaction, improve employability and support career progression.  Enhancing the capabilities of an already highly skilled workforce with personal and professional skills complemented by additional clinical training in an area that is of interest to the individual veterinarian will also be a win for everyone – the practitioner, their clients and patients, and the veterinary industry too.

The AVA has committed to promote the AVA CVP to be a widely recognisable mark of excellence both within the veterinary profession and one which is also acknowledged by members in the pet-owning public.  To this end, the AVA will be investing in a public awareness campaign once significant AVA CVP accreditations have been obtained, so that pet owners understand the value and meaning of the AVA CVP post-nominals when they start to see them being used by small animal practitioners.

The AVA CVP is complementary as the next step in career progression to become a well-rounded general practitioner and/or to step into further study, membership of the ANZCVS, or specialisation (if desired).


The experience