

The Queensland Division has six branches across the state and is involved in a number of initiatives as well as representing the AVA in a variety of forums and before members of state parliament.

  • Brisbane Veterinary Practitioners
  • Central Queensland
  • Darling Downs and South West Queensland
  • North Queensland
  • South East Queensland
  • Sunshine Coast
58 results
Information and resources will be provided in the coming weeks on how QLD Division members can “get involved” to advocate for the following matters that the QLD Division Committee have identified as those of highest concern to QLD members.
In follow up to an initial discussion held last year with the SBCQ, a meeting was held with SBCQ Commissioner, Dominique Lamb.
The AVA QLD Division undertook a project with the aim to investigate the impact that private veterinary employers providing Q fever vaccinations to veterinary nursing staff is having on the ability of veterinary nurses/technicians to receive their vaccinations, and the finances of the veterinary practice. This was undertaken to identify opportunities for the AVA to advocate for financial or other publicly supported methods to ensure all veterinary nursing staff have access to, and are protected through, Q fever vaccinations.
QLD Division Committee members and AVA Staff attended what while become an annual meeting between UQ and the AVA at UQ's Gatton campus. Key topics discussed included the AVA’s interaction with the UQ Vet School, students and staff.
The AVA QLD Division President, Dr Regan Lynch and AVA Senior Advocacy Officer, Dr Robyn Whitaker, held an in-person meeting with BQ at their BSL facility in Coopers Plains. BQ Director, Dr Fiona Thompson, and BQ Senior Principal Scientist, Dr Dave Thomson, provided an update on the communications project that AVA are involved with which is aimed at improving the transport of lab samples and enhancing communication with the veterinary profession.

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