

The AVA Victorian Division is active in lobbying government on issues relating to animal welfare and veterinary practice in Victoria.

85 results
The AVA provided information to Animal Welfare Victoria on Cat Management, according to the AVA Management of cats in Australia policy.
The AVA provided a written submission and was involved in workshops to provide information around whether certain notifiable illnesses, including zoonotic illnesses, should have additional reporting requirements to WorkSafe.
Agriculture Victoria is working to investigate the cause of multiple sudden deaths in horses which have occurred on separate properties since Tuesday 4 July.
By participating in the census, you will help Animal Welfare Victoria to develop more effective and relevant policy initiatives and programs to promote responsible pet ownership and animal welfare across Victoria.
The Wildlife Emergency Support Network (WESN) is a partnership for the targeted recruitment, training, accreditation and pre deployment coordination of veterinary services and wildlife rehabilitator or rescue volunteers, who can assist DEECA in undertaking response activities when requested.

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