

The AVA Victorian Division is active in lobbying government on issues relating to animal welfare and veterinary practice in Victoria.

85 results
The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) commends the Victorian Government for taking a proactive stance in addressing data gaps in pet ownership through the recently released key findings from the state-wide pet census (the Census).
The Victorian Emergency Animal Welfare Plan (the Plan) is intended to be a reference for all agencies, organisations, groups and individuals with responsibility for animal welfare during emergencies.
The AVA assists Agriculture Victoria under the Victorian Emergency Animal Welfare Plan (established on recommendation of the Royal Commission of the Black Saturday Bushfires).
RSPCA Victoria and Zoos Victoria created Safe Cat, Safe Wildlife to encourage and support owners to keep their cats safe at home, reducing risks to both cats and native wildlife. As experts in cat care – big and small – they have the resources and experience to give cat owners the tools and confidence to provide their cat the happiest lives possible, safe and enriched at home.
Happy New Year to you all! And what a busy start to 2024 it has been for the Vic Division. We advocated for the Victorian Government’s Select Committee Enquiry findings into recreational native bird hunting to be upheld and duck hunting banned in Victoria, to bring us in line with Queensland, NSW & WA. It is extremely disappointing that the Victorian Government has rejected the recommendations made by the Select Committee, disregarding the findings from more than 10,000 submissions.

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