Member benefits
By joining the Equine Veterinarians Australia Group, members have access to:
- Merchandise at a discounted rate
- Information for owners and clients
- Information for veterinarians
- Forms and templates
- Research papers
- Yearling radiographs
- Farriers workshop
- Drug detection and withholding periods
What are the benefits of joining the Group if you are a student or recent graduate?
The Young Members Group is for veterinary students and recent graduates up to three years after graduation.
The Equine Veterinarians Australia Group takes a special interest in fostering the equine veterinary practitioners of tomorrow and the future leaders of the veterinary profession, with around 250 young members and a number of programs and initiatives specifically for young members:
- Discounted and subsidised continuing professional development opportunities
- Seminars, workshops and clinical sessions that are specifically suited for young equine veterinarians. The aim of these workshops and seminars is to provide hands-on opportunities for young veterinarians to learn under the close direction of senior practitioners and demonstrators.
- Dedicated private Facebook group to help stay in touch with other young members
- Social functions and outings, including an annual young member dinner for those attending and helping at the Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures
- Equine Veterinarians Australia Group Bain Fallon Scholarships - Kindly sponsored by 4CYTE, the scholarships provide four young members with complimentary registration and accommodation at Bain Fallon each year
- A list of practices offering internships.
To become part of the Young Members Group, just join the Equine Veterinarians Australia Group when you join or renew as an AVA member. You'll automatically be included in the Young Members Group if you're a student or recent graduate