Programs & awards

The AVA runs a number of programs that make a valuable contribution to the community, and help veterinarians to maintain a high level of patient care.


Accredited Veterinary Hospital Scheme

Recognising practices achieving the highest levels of quality healthcare & practice management.

Australian Canine Eye Scheme

National assessment system offering a screening service for congenital and inherited eye conditions.

AVA Awards Program

Recognising the achievements both of individuals and high-performing practices.

Canine Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Scheme

The scheme aims to reduce hip and elbow disease in registered pure bred dogs.

Graduate Mentoring Program

Connecting experienced veterinarians with new graduates for support.

Tony English Award

The award will be assessed by “the panel” on the basis of an essay, innovative idea, proposal or media project which relates to conservation in any of its forms as outlined in our Mission Statement.