Sponsor & Exhibit

Our delegates are looking for the newest products and innovations from the companies that are contributing to the advancement of the profession.

Request your prospectus below and be front and centre with your key audience at this special AVA Centenary Conference Series.

Book today
Centenary Conference Prospectus Cover.png

Request your 2021 prospectus today!


Before you book: important notice

We’re excited to announce that we’ve launched our dedicated sponsor and exhibition booking platform for this event! This means you’ll be booking through this new platform directly on our website.

As this is likely your first time using the new booking system, please follow these steps before booking:

Re-set your website password to access your account

You’re re-setting your password because it’s likely we already have an account for you in our system, especially if you’re subscribed to receive our “In The Loop” sponsorship email.

Once you have reset your password:

Choose which exhibitor account you are booking on behalf on.

Proceed with your booking!

Exhibition, sponsorship and conference enquiries

Kandy Musgrave, AVA National Events Manager 
events@ava.com.au  |  + 61 2 9431 5051