Apply for VetEd approval

vera - education - students - teacher

Please ensure you have the following information before commencing your application:

  • Full details of activity including start date, end date, venue address
  • How many VetEd points you are applying for (read the FAQ for guidance on how many VetEd points to apply for)
  • Details of the content of the activity
  • A blurb about the activity to be placed on the AVA website
  • Ethics approval certificate if using live animals
  • Presenter’s details including qualifications (attachments not required at this stage)
  • You are aware of the application fees

Details of the provider

Event organiser details

The person you list here will be the primary contact for administrative purposes related to this application.

Event organiser details

The person you list here will be the primary contact for administrative purposes related to this application.

Continuing education activity

I confirm*:
Will there be any commerical promotion of products or services?*
If you are using live animals, have you received an Ethics Approval Certificate?*
If you are using a live horse, has the horse received the Hendra Vaccination?*
If you are using cadavers, have the animals been ethically sourced?*

Presenter details

Presenter's Details

Presenter's Details

I confirm*

Record-keeping of attendees

I confirm*

VetEd approval application fees

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Education & Events

Professional development opportunities & networking events.

Have you read the FAQs?

Make sure you've read the information and FAQs before submitting your program for approval.