Useful discounts

AVA Conference

Together with the many other benefits provided by the AVA, additional member benefits are also included with AVA membership including exciting offers and incentives.

Car hire

AVA car hire discounts are available through Hertz, Budget and Avis.

Car purchase

AVA members can enjoy benefits and discounts when purchasing a BMW or MINI.

Continuing professional development

AVA members receive substantial discounts to continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities organised by the association. We have also negotiated valuable discounts for online CPD provided by VetLearn.

Home loan and professional finance

AVA members are eligible for a range of personal and practice benefits and offers. BOQ Specialist provide distinctive lending and banking solutions for veterinarians including:

Personal – home loans, bank accounts, credit cards, car loans, personal loans and term deposits

Practice –  equipment finance, fit-out finance, vehicle finance, commercial property, practice purchase and practice setup.


AVA members receive a premium reduction for insurance provided through Guild depending on their risk profile.

The exclusive insurance facility provided to AVA members means your insurance for professional indemnity, public/products liability and property insurance is specifically developed to meet your needs as a veterinarian and your veterinary practice.


Job vacancy advertising

AVA members receive a 50% discount on AVA Career Connect for all job postings and packages.

Online bookings

Promote your practice on AVA’s consumer website - VetVoice. Through Vet Voice Find a Vet, you can extend the reach of your directory listing. This service is available to AVA members and is complimentary.  Contact us to opt in and have your practice listed in the Find a Vet directory. 

Qantas Club

AVA members can enjoy significant savings by becoming part of the AVA corporate scheme for Qantas Club membership.

More information

SUPERSUPER rewards program employer guide
Super for the Veterinary Industry – Info for Employers
Super and Your Business
Making Super Simple for Vet Members
Financial Service Guide
SUPERSUPER rewards program employer guide
Product Disclosure Statement

Wine specials

AVA members save on Australia’s leading brands and boutique labels. is one of Australia’s leading direct wine distributors, buying direct from wineries, which means big savings for you.

Part proceeds from all wine purchased through the AVA wine offer is donated to ACAHF.