Keeping you connected
As an AVA member, you’re part of the only national organisation representing veterinarians. You join forces with your colleagues to speak with a single voice, and work together on the issues that are important to you.
The AVA is your professional community where you can share your ideas, express your concerns, support your colleagues and find help when things go wrong.
One of the important ways to stay connected with your profession is through the AVA website. With a wealth of information, and the opportunity to share and discuss issues online, the site helps you make contact with others and participate in the work of your association.
If you’re working overseas, a low-cost online membership option helps you stay in touch with the profession back home.
A range of member communications keep you informed of what’s happening in your part of the world, the rest of the world, and everywhere in between.
In an emergency, AVA email alerts keep you informed quickly and effectively on emerging issues. These have been used to communicate about product recalls, high profile media coverage affecting the profession, disease outbreaks, and more.
And with over 200 events all around Australia each year, an AVA get together is the perfect way to meet up with friends and colleagues. Members receive significant discounts to AVA events.
So many reasons to be with the AVA.
- Regular continuing professional development opportunities
- Access to thousands of professional resources
- Ongoing support throughout the stages of your veterinary career