Team Membership

Apply for a Team Membership and you can feel confident knowing all of your staff can access AVA benefits including quality CPD, resources, a network of peers and more.

Accredited Hospital - Kirrawee vet hospital - small animal

Team Membership gives you and your team equal access to exclusive AVA member rates for continuing professional development around the country, access to thousands of free resources and regular updates related to the profession, research, member alerts, news across the country and more. 

Team Membership is also designed to incentivise you as an employer to include AVA membership as an employee benefit.

Being part of a professional association will mean that you and your employees (as a team) are remaining up-to-date with your skills & knowledge, staying in-touch with your peers and provided with the resources to better support your business needs.

Join together on one invoice and receive a great rate 

The more of your team that joins collectively, with one invoice for the whole group the more affordable membership becomes for your organisation. One payment (no instalments) will be required to cover the full amount of that invoice. 

You can apply for a number of membership categories 

From Full membership, Associate membership to Overseas membership and more, you can apply for a Team Membership from various categories and receive the benefits of the discounted Team rate. The rate is based on how many of your other team are joining on the one invoice.

I'd like to apply for a Team Membership 

We look forward to welcoming you and your team to your professional association! Complete your expression of interest below in a few steps and we'll be in touch shortly to progress your application. 

Express your interest

Select the number of members you wish to sign up
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