Team Membership FAQs
AVA membership is a great way to show your employees that you are investing in their professional career and ensuring your staff are up-to-date both technically and professionally and contribute to life long learning and growth for your business.
Proud Member Logo: As a practice, if all your veterinarians are members of the AVA, you may use the AVA Proud Member logo on your stationery or practice website to promote your membership to the community.
Find a Vet listing: Get your practice on our public Find a Vet search! Veterinarians employed by your practice who are members of the AVA can opt in to be listed on the AVA's Find a Vet directory on the AVA's Vet Voice website.
Yes. If you are an employer that is not in practice but work in a different sector such as government, industry and academia, the Team Membership is still available.
For example, if you are part of a larger industry group and or government agency, you can qualify for a Team Membership and one invoice will be issued to you.
I had already paid my practice/team's memberships for this year, can I get a refund on the discount?
No, if you have already renewed your membership for the 2023-2024 membership year, then your membership runs until June 2024 at the rate already renewed.
If you are wishing to apply for a Team Membership going forward with your colleagues for the next membership year, let us know and we will arrange this for your upcoming renewal. This offer applies to those wishing to join or re-join the AVA from today.
Yes it is! The AVA Team Membership is available to any group of veterinarians who just want to band together to join as a group. However note that your practice may not be listed individually, as your team will be recognised as a "group" to apply the discount.
Contact us to advise when a member joins or leaves your Team Membership, so we can ensure our records are accurate. This may not have an immediate effect on your membership and membership payments are not refundable as they are a commitment until the end of the membership year. We will adjust any pricing prior to renewals upon confirmation of your team's members.
Team Membership is issued on a single invoice.
A discount can be adjusted for the additional members, however cannot be applied retrospectively to those who have already paid. The full renewal amount will then be reviewed prior to annual renewals in June.
Memberships run from July to June each year in line with the Australian financial year, and memberships taken partway through the year will be charged at a pro-rata amount.
Every year, the AVA will contact your organisation just before renewals to ensure that the information is up to date. Throughout the year if you would like to make changes, please contact us.
If you have an existing membership, you can access this offer when renewing for 2023/2024.
- To qualify for a “Team Membership” we would need to be able to issue one single invoice to the organisation and receive payment in one single transaction.
- Member numbers and beneficiaries of this arrangement are confirmed prior to renewal each year by our Member Services Team.
- Membership payments are not refundable and any adjustments in pricing will be done prior to annual renewals each year, so any changes will need to be notified prior to this occurring.