Access Veterinary Source content on your mobile
EBSCO Mobile App enables you to research anytime, anywhere. A pocket-sized, multi-function library access tool.
Free and available to all AVA members, the EBSCO Mobile app gives you quick and efficient access to the Veterinary Source database content. With the built-in Find My Organisation feature, you can search for the Australian Veterinary Association and utlise the AVA library’s preferred authentication method for each access.
Additional features include:
- Search quickly and make research progress. Mobile-friendly displays for searching, scanning results, liking and sharing. Recent searches and recently viewed items are also displayed.
- Stay organised with cross-device synchronisation. Jump into any step of the research process, search for articles on the go, use sharing tools and save your articles synchronously across mobile and desktop
- Discover new content bases on previous activity. Serendipitously find new content in your area of interest using the Discover Recent Subjects feature, which is generated dynamically based on previous activity
- No need to log in every time. After you have logged in for the first time, you don’t need to log in on subsequent sessions.
Your AVA log in credentials
User ID: AusVetAss (this is not case-sensitive so ausvetass will also work)
Password: V3t3r1ary!
Install and authenticate your EBSCO Mobile App now!