AVJ Scientific Quiz
Access the AVJ Quiz, available to AVA members.
- Read the latest veterinary journal scientific papers in the AVJ and complete the quiz to be awarded up to 3 VetEd Points by successfully completing the quiz.
How does it work?
Available to AVJ members, read the scientific papers in the latest AVJ issue and then complete the AVJ quiz to be awarded up to 3 VetEd Points.
The monthly AVJ Quiz is available to AVA members on AVA’s My Learning platform. The quiz is presented in 3 sections, enabling you to decide whether you wish to complete 1, 2 or all 3 sections, in the order you desire and over multiple sittings.
Each quiz section contains 10 true/false questions. 1 VetEd CPD point will be awarded for each submitted quiz section scoring 80% or more. AVA will allocate your CPD points to My CPD at the beginning of each month.
Accessing the quiz
- Step 1: browse to My Learning at https://mylearning.ava.com.au or click on any My Learning link on the AVA website
- Step 2: click on the Personal account button and if you are prompted to log in, enter your AVA website login details
- Step 3: click on the AVJ Quiz block on the My Learning home page. You will be taken to the catalogue of AVJ Quiz courses
- Step 4: click on the desired quiz course tile, click Go to course and click Enrol me.
- Step 5: follow the instructions on the course page. If you get stuck or have a question you can refer to the user guide available within the course, or contact AVA Member Services.