New South Wales
Veterinarians can sign up to the Australian Veterinary Emergency Response Team (AVERT) here.
Local Land Services, Department of Primary Industries and local private practitioners are being utilised in the current bushfire response in NSW. Local veterinarians usually have a relationship with the impacted animal owner and the community, and their involvement, together with the LLS, supports community recovery.
The DPI appreciates the interest from veterinarians wishing to help. It has been difficult to access the firegrounds and assess resourcing requirements. The list of volunteers from AVERT will be drawn upon if additional support is needed.
Agriculture Victoria has a formal Victorian Animal Welfare Emergency Plan for paid veterinary assistance in these emergencies. AVA is currently assisting with activation of the response. You can register here.
South Australia
South Australian Veterinary Emergency Management Inc (SAVEM) has been operating since December 2019 in response to the fire in the Adelaide Hills. Veterinarians and nurses wishing to join a SAVEM Activation must first complete mandatory training which is explained and outlined on the SAVEM website.
All other states
Vets in all other states wishing to volunteer, please sign up at the AVERT website. AVERT will issue regular updates and contact you when required.
Bushfire disaster relief – donate to the Veterinary Benevolent Fund
- Your contribution will be directly used to assist veterinarians financially impacted by the fires, as well as veterinarians doing pro-bono work to assist injured animals.