Journal of Veterinary Behaviour: Clinical Applications and Research.
The Journal of Veterinary Behaviour: Clinical Applications and Research (JVB) is the official journal of Australian Veterinary Behavioural Medicine, a special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association Limited, and is distributed to members and subscribers.
- Published in print and online bi-monthly (January, March, May, July, September and November)
- Also official publication of British Veterinary Behaviour Association; GTVMT; International Working Dog Breeding Association and The Pet Professional Guild.
- Publishing original research papers, review articles, case reports, discussion/roundtable, point/counterpoint, In Brief: Practice and procedure; short communication.
- Independently refereed clinical journal
- Electronic ISSN: 1558-7878
Accessing The Journal of Veterinary Behaviour: Clinical Applications and Research
- Print copies of JVB are mailed to AVBM members (online registration can then be claimed)
- Access issues and articles (ScienceDirect)
Aims and Scope
Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research is an international journal that focuses on all aspects of veterinary behavioral medicine, with a particular emphasis on clinical applications and research. Articles on basic research involving normal signaling or social behaviors, welfare and, or housing issues, molecular or quantitative genetics, and applied behavioral issues (e.g., working dogs) that may have implications for clinical interest or assessment are encouraged. Focus is not restricted by species of interest.
Abstracting and Indexing Information
- Journal Citation Reports
- CAB Abstracts
- Global Health
- PsycINFO
- Scopus