Locum expression of interest

Register an expression of interest for locum veterinary and veterinary nurse work in Australia.

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About this initiative

In response to the veterinary workforce shortage, the AVA has removed the charges associated with the advertisement of both veterinary and veterinary nurse locum positions on the Career Connect website. The intention of this initiative is to assist with the connection of interested veterinarians and veterinary nurses with practices advertising locum positions - providing much-needed relief for overworked veterinary staff.

In addition to this initiative, the AVA is also providing the Return to Work program complimentary for AVA members to assist with the veterinary workforce shortage. Visit this page for more information about Return to Work.

Veterinary clinics looking for locums:

Click here to request a list of available locums

FAQs for locums:

What is the process and what happens after I submit my details?
  1. Complete the expression of interest form below, noting that all fields are mandatory.
  2. By submitting the form, you understand that the information you provide to us will be included in a list of available locums and will be provided to clinics seeking to employ locums.
  3. Clinics will then contact you directly to discuss positions available.
  4. Please advise the AVA (members@ava.com.au) when you are no longer available for locum work.
Who can apply?

All veterinarians (currently registered) and veterinary nurses can apply to work as a locum.

Who can I contact for more information?

Please contact AVA Member Services: members@ava.com.au or 1300 137 309.

Register your details here

Are you a veterinarian or a veterinary nurse?
Do you have practice management experience?*
Clinical experience*
Do you have sole charge experience?*
Distance you are prepared to travel for work*
I am interested in working in*
Your availability
I have read and understood the following disclaimer: The Locum List service is provided by the Australian Veterinary Association for the benefit of the members. The aim of the service is to put potential employers and locums in touch with each other. Employers shall satisfy themselves as to the suitability of any locum before engaging such locum. The employer shall be responsible for obtaining work and other permits, if necessary, and for the arrangement of medical examinations and/or investigations into the medical history of any locum and satisfy any medical or other requirements or qualifications required by law. Employers should be certain their PL/PI insurance covers employment of a locum. The AVA or any of its officers or directors shall not be liable under any circumstances for any loss, damage or expenses suffered or incurred by the employer arising from or in any way connected with the AVA providing a list of locums to the employer or the engagement of any locum by the employer. Remuneration and conditions of employment should be negotiated directly between the employer and the locum and it is recommended that employment contracts be formalised between employers and locums.
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