AVA NSW Election Platform 2023

03 Feb 2023
AVA NSW Election Platform.jpg

Read the full election platform here.

Veterinarians are an integral part of the fabric of our community. They manage the health and welfare of our livestock that are crucial to our international trade and to the safety and security of our food, and they work in our public health sector on managing disease risks to animals and people alike. They also care for the companion animals that are increasingly part of our families.

The work of veterinary professionals impacts the daily lives of all Australians and their animals in a multitude of ways. The expertise and contribution veterinarians make to the community is highly valued, essential for the health of companion animals and significantly contributes to the social license under which our animal industries operate.

Unfortunately, the sustainability of the veterinary profession is at risk due to decades of underinvestment. Continued underinvestment in the veterinary profession will result in:

  • increased difficulty accessing veterinary diagnostic expertise and care (particularly in regional and remote areas),
  • greater delays in disease detection in production animal species,
  • impaired emergency animal disease response (e.g. Foot-and-mouth disease, lumpy skin disease, African swine fever), and
  • impaired response to zoonotic diseases (e.g. Japanese encephalitis virus, Hendra virus)

For the security of animal industries and the wellbeing of people who depend on animals, it is crucial that the role of veterinarians in animal health and welfare and biosecurity is maintained. To do this, two things are needed:

  • support from regulators and the community to ensure that veterinary expertise and advice is integral to every level of decision making around biosecurity and the health and welfare of animals,
  • increased investment in ‘public good’ services to ensure that these vital services can be sustainably provided by the veterinary profession.

Furthermore, to support the long-term sustainability of the veterinary profession and provision of veterinary services it is critical to address the mental health crisis currently impacting veterinarians and its influencing factors (workforce retention, financial stress, working conditions, and client relations).

In recognition of the role for government in this, ahead of this NSW State Election, the AVA is calling on the next State Government to support and/or address the following key areas:

  • Biosecurity and One Health
  • Animal welfare legislation
  • Stray dogs and cats
  • Rural and regional workforce
  • Veterinary profession at greater risk of poor mental health
AVA Representations

We have forwarded our AVA NSW Election Platform to all Political Parties, relevant ministers and shadow ministers. Resulting from our representations, the AVA have met with, is scheduled to meet with, and received a response from:

Meetings with:

  • NSW Liberal Party – Minister for Local Government The Hon. Wendy Tuckerman MP
  • NSW Animal Justice Party – The Hon. Emma Hurst MLC and AJP Candidate Alison Waters
  • NSW Veterinary Practice Board
  • Greens NSW – Ms Abigail Boyd MLC
  • NSW Labor Party – Shadow Minister for Regional NSW & Agriculture, The Hon. Mick Veitch MLC

Responses received:

AVA Members Local Representations

The AVA is encouraging NSW members to talk local MPs and candidates about the issues facing the veterinary profession at this coming NSW State election. What you can do:

  • download and read the AVA NSW Election Platform
  • find out who your local candidates are
  • write, email, or call your local candidates
    • the more personalized you can make your emails and conversations the better
    • pick the issues in the AVA election platform that resonate most with you
    • use stories from your personal experience
    • keep an eye out when you are out – often candidates will be out meeting with the public. This is a good opportunity to have your say directly with them.