NT Division President's Update March 2024

04 Mar 2024

A big thank you to everyone who attended the NT AVA weekend conference on the last weekend in February. The feedback has been very positive!

The trade expo, while small, was enthusiastic and informative. The speakers, Luke and Jo, supplied a great variety of evidence-based and practical tips for us all to start incorporating into our practice. And of course, the conference dinner was delicious with the added twist of catching up with colleagues and reptiles alike at Crocosaurus Cove! 

Special thanks to Dr Kim Smith for his help organising the speakers and getting them where they needed to be for the weekend. 

Another thanks for Robyn and the NT AVA committee and especially Marie, who will be stepping down from her role as president. She has put immense effort into looking after the NT AVA members for the last two years and I can only hope to continue in her shoes! Luckily, she will be continuing on the committee and hasn’t escaped too far. 

With many projects on the go in the advocacy space and tailoring policy to fit NT vets, we look forward to 2024!


Dr Amy Harding
NT Division President