QLD Advocacy Report - August

26 Jul 2023

Stronger dog laws consultation
Member feedback is sought on this Qld Government discussion paper.
The Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 (the Act) is the primary law used by local governments in regulating and managing dangerous dogs.
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Act to better protect the community from dangerous dogs.

Proposed amendments to the Act are presented in the discussion paper.
Proposals include:
• Developing and implementing a comprehensive community education campaign.
• Imposing new state-wide bans on restricted dog breeds.
• Reviewing penalties for owners of dogs that cause harm.
• Introducing a new offence that includes imprisonment as a maximum penalty for the most serious dog attacks.
• Clarifying when a destruction order must be made for a regulated dog.
• Streamlining external review process for regulated dogs to minimise unnecessary delays experienced by councils and relevant parties.

More details are available from the DAF Engagement Hub submission and survey portal, including the discussion paper, which can be accessed here.
The AVA document “Dangerous dogs – a sensible solution” and other relevant resources can be found here.

Member feedback will inform the AVA submission and can be provided to robyn.whitaker@ava.com.au, Senior Advocacy Officer, by 31 July 2023.

What you can do:
• Help the AVA submission – forward your comments to robyn.whitaker@ava.com.au by 31 July 2023
• Make your own submission to DAF by midnight Thursday 24 August 2023

Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Framework and Strategy – Queensland Government
The AVA have been invited to participate in this very important consultation being conducted by the Qld Government to develop their DFV Framework and Strategy. This has allowed the AVA to provide insight around how veterinary teams could be better supported when they encounter DFV related situations during their work in practice.