Register your practice for student placement

13 Sep 2023


Veterinary practice placements are an integral component of the student clinical experience, supporting the career pathways for future veterinarians and allowing hosts to strengthen their mentoring and leadership skills. 

It can be challenging in a busy practice to provide a suitable student learning environment, however by sharing your skills and experience, host practices are directly contributing to the betterment of the profession and creating valuable opportunities to connect with future employees. 

Extramural placements contribute up to 50% of a student’s clinical workload, with quality teaching supervision in high demand across all areas and locations.  

While the need for placement opportunities is most critical in rural areas, students across the board are seeking greater variety with supportive practices that can provide an engaging and well-rounded experience. 

Practice owners and managers are invited to share their wealth of knowledge with our veterinarians of tomorrow and take advantage of the AVA’s offer of complimentary advertising for student placements. 

Find out more about the program, including a step-by-step guide on how to apply.