

The AVA works with members on submissions to local, state and federal governments. This is a chance for AVA members to help shape policies which affect the veterinary profession. See below for the latest submissions, and to have your say.



85 results
After a thorough review of the report, Equine Veterinarians Australia is in agreement with the suggested course of action, as detailed below:
The Australian Veterinary Association appreciates being able to contribute to the consultation of ‘Victoria’s bushfire management strategy’. Disasters pose significant threats not only to human lives but also to animals, both domestic and wild.
The AVA acknowledges the wide stakeholder engagement involved in the process of developing the consultation draft of the Victorian Biosecurity Strategy (the Strategy), including with the veterinary profession, and commends Agriculture Victoria on the approach taken for its development.
In the AVA’s previous submission (March 2023), we expressed our support for strengthening of the current live animal export regulatory framework, as well as independent oversight of this, given the risks to animal welfare inherent in the trade.
The AVA are making several representations at the national level advocating for veterinary care to disaster impacted owned animals to be an eligible measure for funding assistance in the national Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).