AVA submission to the Animal Care and Protection Bill and Regulations - Victoria

28 Mar 2024

The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) appreciates the opportunity to contribute to reforming Victoria's animal care and protection laws. 

This reform has been a long time in the making and represents a significant step forward for animal welfare in Victoria, highlighting a shift towards proactive measures and encouraging modern standards. 

The AVA commends the acknowledgement of veterinarians in legislation and their contribution to high standards of animal welfare through their regulated obligations of veterinary registration under the Veterinary Practice Act 1997, where high requirements of education, skill and professional conduct are for the protection of animal welfare and public health.

The AVA looks forward to continuing to assist in the development of modern animal welfare legislation that protects the intrinsic value of animals themselves and the security and value of the benefits the Victorian community receives from healthy animals.

The AVA submission can be found here.