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Wildlife Health Australia are seeking veterinarians to complete a short 5-minute survey to help design an expanded wildlife disease surveillance network.
Over the weekend, Dr Alan Guilfoyle resigned as a Director of the AVA and stepped down from the Board for family reasons. The AVA Board has accepted Alan's resignation.
From start to finish, the call to ‘Live Well’ resonated throughout the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Congratulations to our 2024 AVA Award winners! The awards were presented at the AVA Gala Dinner and represent the pinnacle of excellence for the Australian veterinary profession.
Baxter Professional Australia recently ceased supplying chemotherapeutics to veterinarians - two possible alternative supply routes have been identified.
The 2nd THRIVE Veterinary Wellness Symposium aimed to empower us to improve wellbeing and foster positive change in our workplaces - it did not disappoint!
The AVA congratulates its newest Director, Dr Mark Schipp, on his well-deserved recognition from the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).
AVA Member feedback is urgently requested to inform AVA response to the review of Veterinary Practice in the ACT, including the Veterinary Practice Act 2018.
The Veterinary Business Group's State of the Market panel session was again a highlight of the AVA Conference held in Melbourne this week.
As we prepare a comprehensive wrap up of the 2024 AVA Conference, please enjoy some photo highlights from the week!
The Australian Government has enacted its emergency animal disease response plans in response to the detection of high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) in Victoria.

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