NSW COVID Update 08.10.21

08 Oct 2021

While the NSW Government is commencing an opening up from Monday, it is important to remind your clients that this is not a 'back to normal' situation. Veterinary practices are still required to operate under their COVID-Safe plans.

The Government has stated, "With the first vaccination milestone being reached, the NSW Government is also easing a number of restrictions as part of the Reopening NSW roadmap, which will allow fully vaccinated adults to enjoy more freedoms from next Monday, October 11."

For infomation on the easing of restrictions, please see the NSW Government COVID website.

As critical retail premises, veterinarians are not required to stop unvaccinated people entering your practice. The NSW Government also provides the following advice on vaccination:

If staff are unwell or your clinic is an exposure site

Remind staff to get tested immediately if unwell, even with mild symptoms, and to isolate at home until they have received a negative test result. 

If a staff member tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated they must self-isolate for 14 days and follow the advice from NSW Health. You are encouraged to refer to your COVID Safety Plan and risk assessment approach for further instructions on notifying other staff. Businesses must inform NSW Health if 3 or more employees test positive for COVID-19 in a 7 day period. Further advice regarding actions required will be provided by NSW Health. Please see here for further information.

Helpful contacts

To find out more information contact:

AVA resources to help you, and those around you

We understand this may be a stressful and difficult time for you, your colleagues, and family. Please refer to the AVA mental health resources for further information.

Support contacts

Additional help can be accessed through the AVA counselling support line on 1300 687 327 and remember you are not alone, here's how you can ask for help.
The Veterinary Benevolent Fund exists to help any veterinary professional, AVA member or not, going through financial hardship or a difficult time.