QLD-NSW Cross-border issues

22 Sep 2021

With Tweed Shire and Byron Shire in NSW going into a 7 day lockdown, the Queensland Government has declared the areas a hotspot and restricted border crossings for people who are living in those areas or have been in those areas recently. This is another example of the constantly changing nature of border restrictions and disappointing coming so soon after the recent resetablisment of the border-bubble. Please monitor the QLD government website  around border restrictions for  agribusiness workers, as these may change daily.

The AVA wrote to the Queensland Premier last week briefing her on the impact that the heightened restrictions has on our members and the animals they care for. In the letter we welcomed the border bubble, but registered our strong concern and shared your stories around the negative impact that previous restrictions has on animal and human welfare and the importance of minimising these in the future.  

What you can do to help

We have been asked to continue to provide data as to how the border restrictions are impacting animal and human welfare. We need your voices added to this. To help, let us know your experiences with the border via the below link. Your stories strengthen our voice. 
We also need to know of your experiences with the reintroduced border-bubble. Let us know what ongoing difficulties this may create for you, your team and your clients. Share your stories here.

We also suggest that you continue to write to your local Member of Parliament registering your concerns on the negative impact the  border restrictions are having on animal and human welfare.

Points you may like to raise are that the restricted border is negatively impacting the border communities in the areas of: 

  • Animal Welfare - Animals, large and small, on either side of the border are not receiving veterinary care required and lives are being lost.
  • Strain on veterinary practices - Staff who live on the other side of the border have not been able to go to work and this is placing excessive strain on practices and the individuals involved. 
  • Stress on veterinarians and veterinary staff - Shortage of staff and inability to treat animals in distress is placing even more pressure on the remaining staff that is significantly compromising the health and wellbeing of veterinary professionals.

Restricted border zones  

If you are approved to cross the border into Queensland, you will need to manage the risks during travel by travelling directly to and from a specific location and maintaining your quarantine management during your travel to avoid contact with people, except where rest services and re-fuelling is required. 

Always carry your documentation with you to avoid being turned back at the border. The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is assisting the Queensland Police Service at the border, but the decision to allow you to cross is at their discretion. 

If you require further information, please contact DAF by email: info@daf.qld.gov.au or call 13 25 23.