Animal Health Australia Annual report – veterinarians are key contributors to maintaining Australia’s animal health system
01 Jun 2023
As an associate member of Animal Health Australia the Australian Veterinary Association is pleased to see the release of the Animal Health Australia annual report. The AVA has contributed to many of the of the projects outlined in the report and the veterinary profession provides substantial public good in the provision of disease investigations and surveillance.
The Animal Health Australia Annual Report outlines key animal health initiatives and developments in 2022, including projects around:
- Emergency preparedness and response
- National animal health initiatives
- Animal welfare
- Industry-led projects
- Trade and international movement of animals
The second part of the annual report details the status of terrestrial animal health in Australia which includes sections on:
- National List of Notifiable Animal Diseases of Terrestrial Animals and disease investigations summary
- Significant disease incidents (Japanese Encephalitis, Hendra, Anthrax) and status changes of nationally notifiable terrestrial animal diseases in 2022
- National targeted surveillance programs
More information can be found here.