President's update - Emergency Animal Diseases
09 Sep 2022The AVA has been working hard to advocate for the role of veterinary practitioners in Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) preparedness. We have formed an EAD Working Group comprised of members from various SIGs and divisions, all of whom are actively involved in ground-level EAD responsiveness and reviews. These Working Group members have been invaluable in spearheading the AVA's EAD initiatives.
AVA representatives, including president Dr Bronwyn Orr and Head of Veterinary and Public Affairs Dr Cristy Secombe, have also been busy meeting with state and federal MPs, representatives from the Federal Department of Agriculture, as well as various stakeholders such as the National Farmers' Federation. The AVA has contacted all state and territory Chief Veterinary Officers to ensure they have up-to-date plans regarding the engagement of veterinarians in the event of an EAD emergency.
The AVA has also sat on the AUSTVETPLAN drafting groups, which is creating a nationally-agreed approach for the response to emergency animal disease (EAD) threats, in the event diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease or lumpy skin disease enter Australia. In addition, the AVA has been vocal across various national media outlets, educating the public about the role of veterinarians in EAD preparedness.
On a wider and more long-term scale, the AVA is advocating for a sustainable veterinary workforce, particularly in rural areas. One proposal that the AVA has put forward is HECs fee forgiveness for vets that work in rural and regional areas - an idea that will be put forward at the upcoming Skills Summit. We are also advocating for a policy plan to get vets back on farms where they can play a vital role in EAD, health and husbandry, animal welfare, chemical stewardship and environmental responsibility.
For those interested in learning more about, or getting involved with, these EAD iniatives, we have an upcoming EAD Veterinary Summit. From Tuesday 29 Nov – Thursday 1 December 2022, the Australian Cattle Veterinarian Group SIG will host an event in Canberra, ACT that will feature the very latest information on the current EAD threats to Australia. Speakers will include state and federal government representatives, industry stakeholders and clinicians with first-hand experience in an EAD response. It is open to all clinicians and will include updates on both production and companion animal EADs. Click here for more information. Registration will open soon.