Emergency Animal Disease Update (FMD/LSD)- What the AVA has been doing
13 Jul 2022Emergency Animal Disease Update (Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease) – what the AVA has been doing.
With the incursion of both Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) into Indonesia, Australia has been placed on high alert and emergency animal disease preparedness is being boosted.
The AVA has been actively engaging in EAD preparedness for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) where we are able to contribute. We are contributing through participation in working groups (national (govt and industry) and state), and stakeholder engagement meetings. The AVA is also represented on both the LSD and FMD AUSVETPLAN working group.
We continue to advocate that the private veterinary sector can make an important contribution in both preparedness and if an incursion occurs, and we are pushing for clarity as to how the Emergency Animal Disease Preparedness taskforce sees the private veterinary sector complementing the essential work of the government veterinary sector in preparation and response.
- We have asked and continue to advocate for national standards for private veterinarians in EAD response documentation to be reviewed and updated as part of preparation.
- We have also indicated that refreshing and upskilling veterinarians to assist with heighted surveillance and an incursion is essential, and are developing a proposal to be provided to government through the Emergency Animal Disease Preparedness taskforce and Animal Biosecurity on how the AVA can facilitate education to the private veterinary sector through an EAD symposium.
- Communication – as well as attending the recent ministerial round table with industry, we have written and met with the Chief Veterinary Officer to discuss the role of private vets in preparedness and response. The AVA has had several media engagements on the issue and has reinforced the need for involvement of the private veterinary sector.
ACV/AVA has partnered with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to produce a differential diagnoses for Lumpy Skin Disease chart
The AVA Emergency Animal Disease site and the associated Lumpy Skin Disease page and Foot and Mouth Disease page contain updates and useful resources. These pages will be updated as information comes to hand. We will also continue to keep AVA members informed our advocacy in this space.
Online training available to veterinary teams
- Biosecurity Queensland
- Foot-and-mouth disease online training for veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals - the purpose of this course is to provide veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals with information about the clinical signs, differential diagnoses, sample collection, sample submission and diagnostics for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD
Animal Health Australia education resources to increase Veterinary Practitioner awareness of EAD response arrangements in Australia:
- AHA EAD Foundation online course
- The purpose of this course is to inform learners about how EAD responses are managed in Australia, and to give a foundation for further training in EAD response functions.
- Registration information can be found here.
- The AHA eLearning portal can be found here.
- Estimated time to complete – 2hrs
- Work health and safety induction in a biosecurity emergency response (WHSBER)
- The purpose of this Tocal College owned course is to increase awareness of the main safety issues in a control centre and the field during a biosecurity emergency response.
- Upon logging in and enrolling into the course via AHA’s eLearning platform, please follow any subsequent registration instructions to access the course.
- Estimated time to complete – 1hr
- Control Centre education resources
- Liaison Livestock Industry (LLI) representatives provide an industry perspective, essential advice and guidance on response matters. One of the roles that industry representatives may fill is the Liaison – Livestock Industry function which is outlined in this video. For more information, refer to the Liaison – Livestock Industry Information Guide on Animal Health Australia’s website.
- Veterinary Practitioners may also play an important role in the Liaison Section of a control centre during an emergency animal disease response by providing the official conduit between the State/Territory Coordination Management Team and the veterinary community, so that veterinary practitioners and associations are fully aware of the disease control measures being implemented, and commercial practice matters relevant to the response are addressed.
- As Veterinary Practitioners may potentially work alongside LLI representatives in the Liaison Section, the information in this video link provides a comparable overview of the principles and process that could apply to Veterinary Practitioners, although there will be differences in how these representatives are identified, appointed, remunerated and insured, which the relevant jurisdiction or Veterinary Association is best placed to provide advice on.