Health Alerts

5 results
Equine Veterinarians Australia (EVA) provided the following update to members on management of the virus.
Agriculture Victoria is working to investigate the cause of multiple sudden deaths in horses which have occurred on separate properties since Tuesday 4 July.
A very serious infection of dogs, Leptospirosis, has been detected near the ACT following other detections on the NSW Central Coast, Central and Northern beaches areas of Sydney and more recently NSW South Coast.
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has approved an emergency permit for a vaccine to protect pet rabbits against the rabbit haemorrhagic disease (calicivirus) virus type 2 strain (RHDV2).
A very serious infection of dogs, Leptospirosis, has been detected across NSW with detections on the Central Coast, Central and Northern beaches areas of Sydney and more recently NSW South Coast.