Setting your new year workplace goals

12 Jan 2024


A new year, a fresh start, good intentions and resolutions – we all know they’re just hollow sentiments without some serious thought and planning around what you want to achieve and how you’re going to get there.

Converge International, providers of the AVA Telephone Counselling Service and Wellness App, have shared a practical tip sheet around setting and achieving some of your workplace goals for the year ahead.

You can read the full tip sheet here, however to summarise:

1) Take some time to reflect

2) Focus on smaller goals

3) Increase your knowledge

4) Nurture your workplace relationships

5) Stay on track and keep at it!

Converge also have a 2024 Wellbeing Calendar which provides some useful prompts to help you to focus on various aspects of wellbeing throughout the year, including relationships, finance, movement and mental health.