Update on export ban related to Lumpy Skin Disease

11 Aug 2023

Indonesia and Malaysia have restricted live exports of Australian cattle and buffalo after Indonesia announced that Australian cattle exported there had returned positive results for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD).

In his latest statement, Australia’s Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr Mark Schipp confirmed that LSD has never been detected in Australia, and Australia remains free from the disease.

Dr Schipp said that Malaysia’s decision, announced on Thursday 10 August, was based on Indonesia’s advice. Earlier in the week, Indonesia declared it would not accept cattle from four export registered establishments, after LSD was detected in exported Australian cattle after they had arrived and spent time in Indonesia.

Live cattle exports to Indonesia are continuing and 28 registered establishments are available for use by exporters wishing to trade. Work is underway to restore exports from the affected registered establishments.

On 30 July 2023 that the Indonesian Agriculture and Quarantine Agency advised the Department Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry that a small number of Australian cattle exported to Indonesia had returned positive results for LSD viral fragments.

Meetings have been held between the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, State and Territory Ministers and respective Chief Veterinary Officers, as well as Australia’s Ambassador to Indonesia and DAFF officers on the ground in Indonesia.

Northern Australian Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) officers continue to undertake feral animal surveys in northern Australia, with surveys across Cape York held in May and June and across the NT in July. No evidence of FMD, LSD or any other exotic animal disease has been observed.

All cattle being exported from Australia are inspected by a veterinarian.  In addition to this, a DAFF veterinarian will undertake a final verification inspection of consignments of animals that are being exported.

More information is available here.