Disaster Plans and Veterinary Roles in Disaster Response and Recovery
Further information and resources for preparing and responding to emergencies can be found at the following websites:
Further information and resources for preparing and responding to emergencies can be found at the following websites:
Further information and resources for preparing and responding to emergencies can be found at the following websites:
State Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN)
Livestock and Domestic Animals – Agriculture and Animals Services Functional Area (AASFA) Supporting Plan
Wildlife – Environmental Services Functional Area (ESFA) Supporting Plan
(ADD AFFSA funding, AVA LO, and training available info)
DPI removed vet engagement info from their webpage (being updated). EPA drafting new plan with vet engagement for wildlife TBA)
Emergencies (Emergency Plan) 2023
In a disaster the ACT Chief Veterinary Officer liaises with emergency agencies to coordinate veterinary support to all disaster impacted animals (livestock, companion animals, and wildlife).
Further information is outlined in the ACT Recovery Plan (not publicly available)
Victorian Emergency Animal Welfare Plan (Revision 2 - October 2019)
The Victorian Emergency Animal Welfare Plan (the Plan) is intended to be a reference for all agencies, organisations, groups and individuals with responsibility for animal welfare during emergencies. It provides principles and policy for use in emergency planning, response and recovery phases. It defines the roles and responsibilities of agencies and organisations.
DJPR convenes the Victorian Emergency Animal Welfare Committee (VEAWC) that includes representation from stakeholders who have a role in addressing animal welfare needs in an emergency including DELWP, RSPCA, MAV, AVA, VFF and representative local government councils.
AVA will work with DJPR and local government to facilitate contact with veterinarians and veterinary nurses wishing to assist in the provision of animal welfare support services in affected areas for livestock and companion animals. They will also liaise with DELWP to facilitate the staffing of triage centres with contracted veterinarians and veterinary nurses as required. In addition, AVA will liaise with practices within and adjoining the impacted area to develop options to address unmet animal welfare needs.
South Australia Veterinary Emergency Management (SAVEM) is a volunteer Response and Recovery agency working under Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) within the State Emergency Management Plan. SAVEM’s broad mission is to retrieve, assess, triage, shelter and treat animals of all species in an emergency incident. https://www.savem.org.au/