154 results
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Fracture of the Tuber Coxae in dairy cows
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Fracture of the Tuber Coxae ... dairy cow ailment, underlying issues in diary cows, cattle
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The interaction of grazing management and fertilizer application and the impact on beef production, soil and pasture health at a producer demonstration site
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
The interaction of grazing
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iSperm_The Animal Sperm Analyser
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
iSperm_The Animal Sperm
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Hypo-Vitaminosis “A” In Lot Fed 8-Month-Old Wagyu Steers
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Hypo-Vitaminosis A In
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How I treat Herpes!
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
How I treat Herpes!
Herpes ... herpes in cattle, herpes virus, bovine herpesvirus 1, BoHV-1, bovine herpesvirus 2, BoHV4, cattle health
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Evaluation of final carcass disposition in cases of “suspect” bovine ocular squamous cell carcinoma ("eye cancer") at two Australia abattoirs
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Evaluation of final carcass
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How I Use... My Phone!
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
How I Use... My Phone! ... use my phone, phone apps, vet apps, farm apps, cattle apps, herd management, technology, emergency services
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Calf loss fact sheets reduce diseases causing cow and calf mortality
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Calf loss fact sheets reduces ... Reduce diseases causing cow and calf mortality cattle disease prevention, cow mortality prevention, calf
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Lungworm in Dairy Calves - case report
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Lungworm in Dairy Calves ... dairy calves, cattle disease, cattle mortality, diseases of cattle, parasites of cattle, lungworm, lungworm
This document is publicly available
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
The Significance of Hock ... Hock Swelling in Cattle
"Puffy" or "boggy" hocks are commonly seen in bulls presented for VBBSE. While
This document is publicly available
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Case Report: Traumatic
This document is publicly available
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
It Shouldn't End in Tears:Some ... Tears:Some Thoughts on Low Stress Cattle Handling
The Tasmanian beef herd is a fractious one: some blame
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The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Case Report: Suspected ... Suspected Levimazole Toxicity in Twelve Beef Cattle
At approximately 2pm on Saturday 24/1/15 I received a phone
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The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
What I Learned - Hobart
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The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
What I Drive
As a slight
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The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Policy Council Report
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The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
University of Melbourne ... March, where our friendly student team manned the cattle yards for the day. Attractions for visitors included
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Case Report -'Pseudomonas mastitis in a dairy herd'
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Case Report -'Pseudomonas ... 14th 2014, a Tableland Veterinary Service (TVS) veterinarian was called to examine a group of 14 cows that
This document is publicly available
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
James Cook UniversityRural ... transfer in cattle. Unlike in previous years we were very fortunate to be able to run an extra cattle station
This document is publicly available
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Australian Cattle Vet In