154 results
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Balanitis in a beef herd
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Balanitis in a beef herd
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What are the health and welfare implications for cows of intensification of Australian dairy production?
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
What are the health and ... welfare implications for cows of intensification of Australian dairy production?
The trend of intensification
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More is missed by not looking than not knowing
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
More is missed by not looking ... may not always be pinkeye, pinkeye in cattle, eye health in cattle, thorough practices
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Solar abscess in a dairy bull
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Solar abscess in a dairy
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How I Treat... Bulls
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
How I Treat... Bulls
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The Black Summer: A Veterinary Perspective
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
The Black Summer: A Veterinary ... landscape is designed to burn. It s something Australians have learned to live with, but as the climate
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Spontaneous humeral fractures in periparturient dairy heifers
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Spontaneous humeral fractures ... heifers, cattle spinal fracture, copper deficiency in cattle, copper supplementation for cattle, cattle
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Enzootic Posthitis (Pizzle Rot) in steers fed a high protein drought ration
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Enzootic Posthitis (Pizzle ... posthitis or pizzle rot) is a well-known condition of Australian wethers on a high protein diet but has also been
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Urea Toxicity as a cause of death in a West Australian Feedlot
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Urea Toxicity as a cause ... cause of death in a West Australian Feedlot
Urea toxicity is a disease reported in both pasture-based systems
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Bull power for performance, production and profit of Australian Beef herds
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Bull power for performance ... performance, production and profit of Australian Beef herds
The term bull power , encompasses what defines
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Investigation into a Leptospirosis outbreak in a Holstein-Friesian dairy herd in southwest Victoria
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Investigation into a Leptospirosis ... Holstein-Friesian dairy herd, cattle disease outbreak, mastitis outbreak in cattle, zoonosis, zoonotic emerging
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Zoetis introduces DRAXXIN® KP
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Zoetis introduces DRAXXIN® ... plus Ketoprofen Injectable Solution for cattle to the Australian market at the start of August 2020. DRAXXIN®KP
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DISINFECTANTS – Some of the Science
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
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How Josh disinfects
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
How Josh disinfects
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How I Disinfect!
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
How I Disinfect!
The omnipresence
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How I treat… Vagus Indigestion
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
How I treat Vagus Indigestion ... Indigestion
It s a common phenomenon in cattle practice for vets to develop their own techniques and theories
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An outbreak of Nutritional Muscular Dystrophy (NMD), or White Muscle Disease, in a group of three year old Friesian dairy cows
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
An outbreak of Nutritional ... be precipitated by exercise or yarding. Yearling cattle diagnosed with the subacute form of NMD are often
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Twin schistosomus reflexus dystocia after delivery of a live heifer calf in a primiparous crossbred heifer
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Twin schistosomus reflexus ... discussion of schistosomus reflexus and freemartinism in cattle. If a live female calf is born as a co-twin with
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Gumboots as a bandaging aid - case report
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Gumboots as a bandaging ... aspect. cattle laceration treatment, claw health, planter aspect laceration, bandaging cattle lacerations
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Vetch Toxicosis in Angus cows fed vetch hay
The Australian Cattle Veterinarian
The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.
Vetch Toxicosis in Angus ... Angus cows fed vetch hay
Cattle (especially mature Angus, Friesian and related breeds such as Murray Greys)