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Vets can easily create welfare plans for their clients using similar technology to the very popular ACV program, BIOCHECK™.

To get your free copy of the new ACV software you simply need to join the Australian Cattle Veterinarians. To join ACV please contact the AVA Member Team on 1300 137 309.

Are you a producer and need to find a vet?

Australian Cattle Vet members provide crucial services to agricultural producers who feed the country. We also play a key role in disease surveillance, securing our quarantine status and protecting ongoing productivity.

  • MyCattleVet is a website containing information for cattle producers about the services and expert advice Australian Cattle Vet members can offer. You can also search the list of ACV PREGCHECK™ and BULLCHECK™ accredited veterinarians.
  • Search AVA's Find A Vet directory to locate your nearest practice with AVA members on staff.

Not already an ACV member?

To become an ACV member to be eligible for the free download of BIOCHECK please contact the AVA Members Team on 1300 137 309 and our friendly team will be more than happy to assist you.

BIOCHECK Biosecurity Plan

BIOCHECK™ is a program run by members of the Australian Cattle Veterinarians - a special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association Ltd.

The BIOCHECK Biosecurity plan is designed to ensure that the farm has considered the major biosecurity risks and has appropriate risk management strategies in place.

The plan is largely based on the generic Biosecurity Plans that are available from the Animal Health Australia Farm Biosecurity website and should be read in conjunction with the resources that can be downloaded from

This plan is not an audited quality assurance program nor is it a guarantee against incursion by pests or disease. Rather it is evidence that the major biosecurity risks have been discussed and plans made to manage these which are appropriate to the individual farm.

Each risk is discussed and evaluated as per the below options. Where appropriate, comments can be included that describes how that property is managing the risks identified.


  • Watch the demonstration video - BIOCHECK in 7 minutes

Biosecurity Q&A's

Remember – Vets discuss the risks with producers, it is up to the producer as to what they do to minimise their own risks.

Download Biosecurity Q&A's

Sample BIOCHECK Biosecurity Plan

Download the sample BIOCHECK Biosecurity Plan


New branding for ACV CHECK accreditation schemes

ACV has new cohesive branding for our CHECK accreditation schemes and programs that complement and bring home the vision for the new ACV and AVA brand.

Access the member-only ACV page

Existing AVA Group member? Access the member-only ACV page for exclusive access to resources and information.

Join the Australian Cattle Veterinarians

You must be a member of the Australian Veterinary Association to join the ACV.