VetEd Points table

CPD activities can be either structured or unstructured, and grouped into face-to-face or written/distance learning. Structured activities tend to be organised by a CPD provider, with a defined purpose and duration, e.g. conferences, courses or workshops.

Unstructured activities are less formally defined, e.g. reading a journal or mentoring. AVA members need to add these points to their own VetEd record.

For more examples of CPD activities by category, please see the below tables.

Structured face-to-face
Activity Points:Hours Validation needed
Conferences, seminars 1:1 Certificate
Formal presentation to peers 4:1 Copy of paper / Marketing material (first presentation only)
Talks to community/schools (First presentation) 2:1 Signature of organiser or copy of paper

Structured hands-on practical
Activity Point:Hours Validation needed
Workshops and wetlabs 2:1 Certificate

Structured written/distance learning
Activity Points:Hours Validation needed
Accreditation scheme by examination 4:1 Evidence of accreditation/accreditation certificate
APAV Courses 1 point per unit/chapter Certificate/Letter of results
Assessed audio visual or computer based courses 1:1 Certificate/Letter of results
Correspondence courses 1:1 Certificate/Letter of results
Quizzes based on presentations or journal papers 1 point per quiz per presentation or paper Completed quiz and results
Written assessment tests 1:1 Certificate/Letter of results

Unstructured face-to-face
Activity Points:Hours Validation needed
Clinical review project Up to 10 Evidence of attendance and documentation of relevance to CPD
Clinical rounds 1:2 Evidence of attendance and documentation of relevance to CPD
Mentoring undergraduate students 1 per day Evidence of attendance and documentation of relevance to CPD
Mentoring or being mentored Eg: (post-graduate/specialist/college candidates) 1:1 Evidence of attendance and documentation of relevance to CPD
Representative in professional organisation (eg. committees, AVA Policy Advisory Council) 1:2 Evidence of attendance and documentation of relevance to CPD
Small group learning 1:2 Evidence of attendance and documentation of relevance to CPD

Unstructured written/distance learning
Activity Points:Hours Validation needed
Journal publication (peer reviewed) 1:1 Copy of first page of paper
Journal publication (Non peer reviewed) 1:1 Copy of first page of paper
Refereeing peer reviewed journal 1:1 Copy of letter from editor

Unstructured points allocation table (UN)
Activity Points:Hours Validation needed
Un-assessed AV/audio/computer based including courses 1:2 Evidence of activity
Private reading (journals, textbooks) 1:2 Name/journal/author/pages
Mentoring undergraduate students 1 per day Signature of student
Mentoring (Postgraduate/specialist/college candidates) 1:1 Signature of student
Being mentored (postgraduate/specialist mentor/college candidates) 1:1 Signature of student
Representative in professional organisation (e.g. Committees, AVA Policy Council) 1:2 with a cap of 8 points per triennium Evidence of attendance
Participation in moderated e-list (e.g. ACVSc, ‘Countdown Downunder’) 1:1 Submission of transcript

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