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How can we overcome the emotional barrier and create a culture where asking for help is not only acceptable but encouraged? It starts with recognising that everyone, even specialists and leaders, sometimes need help.
Revisit vet student life and meet the new Australian Veterinary Student Group Committee.
The report contributes to the global discussion on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as nations prepare for the upcoming United Nations High-Level Meeting on AMR on 26 September.
Dr Angela Scott, President of the Commercial Poultry Vets SIG represented the AVA for the scenario-based exercises conducted by the Department of of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF).
The AVA is pleased to announce Professor Margaret Reilly has been appointed to the AVA Board, filling a casual vacancy.
The meeting brought together working party members appointed with diverse skill sets in regulation/law, advocacy, education, stakeholder engagement, and experience from academic, private, and public veterinary practice.
Regular, meaningful conversations play a crucial role in maintaining healthy relationships. Use these 4 steps to help you check in with the people close to you and register for a free webinar on how to create a culture of help-seeking and help-offering.
October is Mental Health Month and we want members to share with us what you are doing to prioritise mental health in the workplace.
In situations of domestic and family violence there is likely to be an animal present and, in many cases, the animal is also experiencing abuse. Learn more about the work of Lucy's Project, including information on their conference in October.
All the highlights from a wonderful week on the Sunshine Coast for our small animal and business veterinarians.
The ABS has been undertaking a comprehensive review of the classification to reflect the contemporary Australian labour market and better meet stakeholders' needs. The purpose is to produce reliable occupation-based statistics where occupational classification is well structured, clearly defined, comparable, robust, and representative.

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