Explore all of the AVA's Groups and find out more
The Australian Veterinary Acupuncture Group promote acupuncture in veterinary practice & provide continuing education.
Animal Welfare & Ethics
The Australian Veterinarians for Animal Welfare and Ethics Group promote ethics of animal use and animal management.
The Australian Veterinary Behavioural Medicine group promotes animal behaviour and its significance in veterinary science.
The Veterinary Business Group aims to foster leadership, future-proof businesses, and create sustainable practice models.
The Australian Cattle Veterinarians Group is a community of veterinarians with skills and resources delivering profitability to their clients.
Conservation Biology
The Australian Veterinary Conservation Biology Group promote wildlife medicine, conservation and evidence-based wildlife management.
The Australian Veterinary Dental Society aims to provide the best possible dental and oral health care to pets.
Education, Research & Academia
Representing veterinarians working in educational institutions, government roles, and research bodies.
The Equine Veterinarians Australia Group is a special interest group of the AVA, representing equine veterinarians in Australia.
The Australian Greyhound Veterinarians Group have expertise in the health and welfare of greyhounds and sporting dogs.
The Australian Veterinarians in Industry Group provides a forum for veterinarians employed in the industry.
The Integrative Veterinarians Australia Group aims to foster the use of holistic therapies by veterinary surgeons to benefit animal health.
The Australian Pig Veterinarians Group focus on pig preventative medicine.
The Commercial Poultry Veterinarians Group focuses on poultry production, health and medicine.
Public Health
Australian Veterinarians in Public Health have an interest in epidemiology, emergency preparedness & actions to enhance human wellbeing & conserve the environment.
The Australian Reproduction Veterinarians Group provides a link between its members and government bodies, breed societies and the artificial breeding industry.
Sheep, Camelid & Goat
The Sheep, Camelid and Goat Veterinarians Group provide resources and continuing professional development opportunities.
Small Animal
The Australian Small Animal Veterinarians Group represent small animal veterinarians around Australia.
The Australian Veterinary Student Group is governed by students for students, supporting students for practice and professional life.
Unusual Pet & Avian
The Unusual Pet and Avian Veterinarians Group promotes discussion about pet species other than dogs and cats.