VetEd Points
The VetEd points system is the AVA’s easy to use, professionally recognised system for members to track and record their continuing professional development (CPD) points. You are able to submit your points online and print out a CPD statement.
Note you should keep a personal file with any certificates of attendance, assessment results, personal development plans or other documents that serve as evidence of the CPD you have undertaken.
Frequently asked questions
The AVA has no involvement with the registration of vets in Australia. This is managed by the local Veterinary Surgeons Board, and the AVA does not exchange any details of our members CPD status with the veterinary boards.
The average number of CPD points required for Australian veterinary professionals is 60 points over a rolling 3 year period. Each state has slightly different requirements regarding the CPD requirements for registration. Please check the Australian Veterinary Boards Council for more information.
Most activities that aim to enhance your professional skills in a veterinary context count towards your CPD, for example conference attendance or a course on time management. The VetEd points table provides examples of eligible activities, including the number of points per activity.
If you attend AVA or VetEd approved events, your points will be added to your CPD statement by the AVA Education team, as long as you have given the organisers your AVA member number.
You can submit points to your own profile at any time through your My AVA account.
If you undertake a VetEd approved activity, the AVA Education team will add the points to your CPD statement, and the approval status will be noted on the statement. The AVA is unable to certify your attendance at non-VetEd approved activities, or points you have added yourself.
External providers of CPD should issue certificates and we recommend that you keep copies of your attendance certificates at CPD events in case you are audited by your local board.
Auditing may be undertaken by your local Veterinary Surgeons Board if CPD is compulsory in your state or territory.
If you want to maintain your registration each year, then you will need to comply with your jurisdiction’s registration requirements.
Providers who wish to have their event VetEd approved can apply online. Information and guidelines for providers that want their activities recognised for VetEd points are available on the VetEd approval page.