Policy and advocacy

Representing AVA members across a number of matters within veterinary science and the profession.

View the policies

The AVA maintains relationships with national, state and local levels of government, and provides advice on all aspects of animal health and welfare policy.

Members feel strongly about issues being debated in public forums, and the association actively campaigns for change on a range of animal health and welfare issues. We comment publicly on topics being discussed in the media or being considered by parliaments and regulators. 

The AVA also helps members to communicate association policies to their local governments, members of parliament, and the media.

The AVA Policy Advisory Council includes a representative from every AVA division and special interest group. It develops a range of national policies and position statements after extensive consultation with members. These are approved by the Board before becoming official policies or positions of the association.  


The AVA’s Policy Advisory Council develops the scientific, technical, ethical and philosophical policies of the Association.


We respond to issues that may impact the profession, animals and the community.

Emergency response

Emergency animal disease and natural disaster response.

Policy Advisory Council

Developing policies and position statements through consultation with members.

Advocacy Resources

External committee/working group reporting form