
Representing the profession and our members on issues important to today and the future.

Advocacy update

The AVA's advocacy program monitors and responds to issues that may impact the profession.  This involves meeting with key industry and government stakeholders, and members of parliament, to represent member views on a range of issues.

We make a large number of written submissions to government agencies on proposed changes to policy and legislation. This has proven to be our most powerful method for effecting change on topics that matter to our members, such as veterinary legislation, prescribing rights, biosecurity, public health, companion animal management, and pet food regulation to name a few.

The AVA’s Public Affairs and Advocacy team works to educate and advocate on behalf of the veterinary profession. This work benefits all the veterinary profession, not just our members. Our members play a vital role in influencing the direction of this work and helping to bring about positive change. Read more about AVA Public Affairs and Advocacy here.

The latest AVA Advocacy Plan can be found here.

Advocacy Resources


The AVA works with members on submissions to local, state and federal governments. This is a chance for AVA members to help shape policies which affect the veterinary profession.

Your profession, your voice - AVA Advocacy updates

Regular updates on AVA's advocacy work.


The Veterinary Voice when Australia Votes

Advocacy Resources

External committee/working group reporting form

Mental health crisis

Research shows that the profession experiences suicide rates greater than those of the general population.

Sustainable and accessible veterinary services

The veterinary profession contributes a great deal to society.

Workforce sustainability

There are marked labour shortages in all sectors of the profession, particularly early career, rural and regional veterinarians.

Afterhours safety of veterinary staff – risk mitigation strategies

Veterinarians are obliged to provide afterhours (AHs) services at their practices or access to afterhours services, depending on the state or territory in which they work.

The cost of veterinary care – putting it in perspective

A resource has been developed for AVA members to utilise for communicating a balanced insight and provide perspective around the cost of veterinary care.

Effective regulation

It is in the interest of all veterinarians that this regulation is rigorous.

One Health

Animal health, human health and environmental health are inextricably intertwined and interdependent.

Animal Welfare

Veterinarians are advocates for animals and must be involved in key advisory and decision-making bodies regarding animal welfare.

Climate action

Australia is committed to achieve a net zero greenhouse gas emission target by 2050 at COP26.